Poike Productio

Based in Tampere, Finland, working cross-artisticly, critically and internationally.


Over 20 years in
creative production.


Loving art,
understanding aesthetics.


Crossing borders,
respecting the Earth.

Poike Productio is a production company based in Tampere, Finland,
and founded by producer & writer Tuuli Penttinen-Lampisuo.


Ancestors conseptual still.
Ancestors – An immersive installation.
The Best Lover, photo: Sami Säkspäkkilä.
The Best Lover – A short film.
Close Watch A documentary film by Pilvi Takala.
Close Watch – A documentary film.
Snowline, A short documentary by Sanni Priha.
Snowline – A short documentary.
Snowplay, A short documentary by Sanni Priha.
Snowplay – A short documentary.
Puut, Henrietta Lehtonen, kuva: Ville-Veikko Heinonen.
Trees – A multi-channel installation.



Tuuli Penttinen-Lampisuo

Producer, Writer, CEO

+358 50 535 8916
tuuli (at) poike.f i

Poike Productio Ltd.
VAT id: FI31753777


Eco Compass.

We are committed to saving natural resources. We have been granted an EcoCompass Certificate.