Snowline – from The Farewell to Snow Film Trilogy
Original title: Lumiraja – trilogiasta Jäähyväiset lumelle
Genre: Documentary
Duration: appr. 15’
Script: Sanni Priha & Jarkko Kela
Director: Sanni Priha
Sound Design: Jarkko Kela
DOPs: Mauri Lähdesmäki / Fount Films, Sanni Priha, Jaakko Ruuska
Drone Cinematographer: Merja Paakanen / Luontosuhde
Script: AVEK
Finnish Film Foundation / Iris Olsson
AVEK / Oskar Forstén
Artist grant: Kone Foundation
Filmed: 80 %
Phase: In development / 2nd demo
Forums: Doc Lisboa Nebulae 2023
Premiere: 2025–2026, not fixed
Producer: Tuuli Penttinen-Lampisuo /
Poike Productio
In the spirit of science fiction, Snowline asks what does snow say about its own existence. According to scientists, we can read the journey an individual snow crystal has taken before reaching the Earth. Changes in weather cause ongoing snow metamorphosis. The studies weave into measurement timelines, archived since the early 20th century. The meaning of over a hundred years’ data expands temporally and geographically due to climate change.